

Solar energy is an affordable alternative for both small and large businesses, particularly now that energy costs have become more expensive and supply more volatile.

By switching to solar energy you will help your business guarantee a manageable, predictable energy rate and supply for years to come. The added benefit is that not only will you be saving money but also enhancing your company’s corporate image and green credentials.

Avoid Load-Shedding

Generating your own electricity makes you less vulnerable to load shedding.

Manage your energy costs

Solar energy will help your business to hedge against electricity price volatility and inflation.

Tax incentives

Solar Systems are tax deductible to an figure of 28%

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A solar system works by converting sunlight into electricity, which can be used to power your home or business.

There are several pieces of equipment that are required to harness the sunlight, primarily the solar panels (PV panels) and inverter

– PV Panels – The type of PV panels to be used, for example monocrystalline or polycrystalline

– Inverter size – The size of the inverter must accommodate the energy that is generated from the solar PV panels.

Racking and mounting structure – Each construction would have different cost implications, for example premises might require free standing or mounted installation.

Installation – The complexity of installation would for instance depend on the ease of accessing a site. A ground mounted installed structure would present slightly fewer complications than a roof mounted one. Financial savings on energy


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If your solar system saved you 200,000 kilowatt per hour (kW/h) per year, and your municipality charged at a tariff rate of R2,00 Kw/hThis would mean that your financial savings would be R400,000 in the first year.


There are key variables to consider when modeling for the energy output of solar system

Environmental factors.
Factors such as temperature and wind affect the efficiency and performance of PV panels

The layout and orientation of PV panels for optimum energy production have to be determined. Likewise the tilt angle of the PV panels has to be calibrated to absorb as much sunlight energy as possible as the sun changes its position throughout the day and seasons.

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There are key variables to consider when modeling for the energy output of solar system. 
This can be measured in days, months or even years.

Maximum energy demand is the electricity rate calculated by your municipality at the point when power is consumed at highest peak over a monthly period.

Although the PV solar system effectively decreases your maximum energy demand, it cannot be taken into account when the financial feasibility of your solar system is assessed. All of the above factors will have an impact on the performance and energy yield of a solar system and this will play a key role in how quickly you recoup your investment.

The payback period is the time it takes to recover the cost of your investment, excluding any unavoidable price increases. This can be measured in days, months or even years

Simple payback example



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Save money on your electricity bills


Generate your own electricity


Avoid Power Cuts and load-shedding 

* indicates required
Solar Energy Requirements


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