

Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequently asked questions and answers

Solar is the right solution if you want to save money in the long term, as well as manage your energy costs. After a site consultation, a proposal suited to your energy demands can be made.

We employ a variety of tools to determine how the panels will fit and stand in the allotted space on your roof. This is important as it will ultimately determine energy production and how much money you save eventually.

Shaded areas will radically reduce the energy production. In certain cases, a solar system might not be suitable if the area is under constant shade.

Solar systems don’t require much maintenance at all, as there are no moving parts, but you can remove odd leaves and debris by just hosing off the solar panels.

Solar PV panels require the sun to generate a sufficient amount of energy, but in the event of bad or cloudy weather your system will still produce some energy. But if you are living in an area with bad weather, this is factored into our estimates of your solar energy production.

This would depend on the quality and type (for example monocrystalline and polycrystalline) used, as well as the overall installation. But solar panels have up to 25 years manufacturer warranties.

Solar panels can be installed in a majority of roof types in South Africa, except for thatched roofs. It is important that the roof structure be stable enough to withstand the weight of the solar panels

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